The Caddo Nation of Oklahoma is a federally recognized tribe with homelands spanning the present-day states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. With such a vast homeland, there are innumerable historic and prehistoric Caddo cultural sites and cemeteries. In addition to the physical remnants of our past, we have handed down Caddo culture, language, and traditions. The through the Historic Preservation Department the Caddo Nation implements several federal laws which protect cultural heritage resources and includes NAGPRA, Repatriation and Consultation efforts.
CADDO NATION OF OKLAHOMA TRIBAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM (CNHPP) Section 106 Consultation Standards The Caddo Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Program (CNHPP) follows standard procedures and policies for consultation with government agencies to aid in the protection of cultural and historic resources pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act, (NHPA) [16 U.S.C. 470 §§ 470-470w-6] 1966, where undertakings are subject to the review process referred to in §101 (d)(6)(A), and 36 CFR Part 800. This consultation process may change in the event of an agreement document which outlines any mutually agreed upon changes to the standard process.
The Caddo Nation receives hundreds of Section 106 review requests each month. Due to this high volume, all Section 106 review requests must follow CNHPP standards. Any deviation from standard practices will result in your review being delayed or potentially lost. This is the responsibility of the applicant/review requester. The following standards must be followed when requesting Section 106 review from the Caddo Nation:
For additional information regarding the preferences and requirements of the CNHPP, or for the Caddo Nation's area of interest please email
Over 154 museums in 4 states and a host of state and federal agencies have Caddo culturally affiliated objects in their collections.
An article by Amelie Walker in Archaeology, a publication of the Archaeological Institute of America, discusses the mounds of Louisiana. Over 700 mounds are located all over the state, some of which are now joined by historical and interpretive markers to form the Ancient Mounds Trail. This article is available on-line here .
Jonathan Rohrer
Steven Botone